Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grocery shopping ... for words!

This week your mission is to pay attention to the words you see at the grocery store! Whether you're in the candy aisle, the pasta aisle, the bread aisle, the produce section (where we all should be!) or whatever aisle is your favorite, your job is to see if you can find 5-10 words that are related to the letter-sound pattern (e.g., consonant blends, r-controlled vowels) that you posted about in ANGEL this week. (And feel free to recruit your children, friends, significant others to join you on this mission!)

In your blog, make sure to address the following:
  • What are the words that you found?
  • Go to the "What children will discover" section that is connected to your letter-sound pattern in our textbook. (For example, if your pattern is "consonant blends," look at p.111.) Would children make any of the same discoveries mentioned in the text with your words? Can you think of any additional discoveries they might make?
  • Finally, choose one of your words and see if you can break the syllables into onsets and rimes (see pp. 113-114 for help). Keep in mind that learning about onsets and rimes is not for the purpose of becoming a linguist (!!) but for building your teacher knowledge so that you can help children to tackle letter-sound relationships for vowels! Buddies, please check each other's work and offer support, if need be!
I know this is a bit more involved posting than usual, but there's a lot of important information that you need in Chapter 5, and this is a hands-on way to make meaning about some of these phonics elements! If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section of my blog, and that way everyone else can see my answer in case they are wondering the same thing.

Happy Shopping!

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